区域共生 文明互鉴:外国电影的历史新探与理论前沿 ——2024外国电影研究年会

区域共生 文明互鉴:外国电影的历史新探与理论前沿



Regional Symbiosis and Mutual Learning of Civilizations: New Explorations in the History and Theoretical Frontiers of Foreign Cinema

——2024 International Symposium on Foreign Cinema Studies

Call for Papers


Conference Hosting Status










Conference Hosts

Hebei Institute of Communications

BNU Asia & Chinese-Language Cinema Research Center

School of Arts Peking University

Film Art Journal

Conference Organizers

Institute of Global Film Culture and Industry, Hebei Institute of Communications

School of Film and Television Arts, Hebei Institute of Communications

Academic Support :

New Movies, Movie Review, AudioVisual Theory and Practice



Conference Background

凡益之道,与时偕行。电影艺术已走过 120多年的光阴,新世纪以来,世界电影版图也悄然变化,由欧洲艺术电影与美国好莱坞商业电影的二分态势,转变为多区域多民族电影竞相发展、多元并进的新态势。亚洲作为一股重要力量,参与重塑世界电影格局的新进程,成为世界最大占比的区域电影市场。当下,全球区域国别电影研究正如火如茶地展开,为世界电影研究的多样性贡献力量。

All beneficial ways walk with the time. Film art has gone through more than 120 years, since the new century, the world film landscape has also quietly changed, from the European art film and the Hollywood commercial film of the United States, into a new situation of multi-regional and multi-national films competing to develop and diversify. As an important force, Asia has participated in the new process of reshaping the global film landscape and has become the largest regional film market in the world. At present, global regional and national film studies have been carried out like a hot tea, contributing to the diversity of world film studies.


Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations are an important driving force for human progress and world peace and development. Movies come first when civilizations learn from each other. With its visual and visual art and strong cultural appeal, film has become one of the best carriers for people to communicate with each other, promoting people-to-people exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. With the market expansion and creation improvement of Chinese films, the development of overseas markets has become increasingly important, and Chinese films and global films are interdependent and influence each other.


The "International Symposium on Foreign Cinema Studies" annual conference, based on the new situation of film development in China and the world, and puts forward a new proposition of promoting mutual learning between civilizations through film exchanges. Experts and scholars conduct historical retrospect, current situation research and future prospects of global films. The conference encourages a variety of research topics, including but not limited to Chinese films, Asian films, and films from other regions and countries in the world, covering art fields such as film theory, film history, and film criticism. The research perspectives can involve industry, culture, and genres. It can also be a review of foreign film historical materials or an analysis of current situation.It also particularly encourages film studies under the background of new media and new technologies, as well as interdisciplinary research and other new methodological paradigms. All these diverse approaches aim to present a pluralistic and inclusive film research conference.


Conference Theme and Proposed Topics


We sincerely invite domestic and foreign experts and scholars who are committed to Chinese and global film studies to attend the First Annual Conference of Global Film Studies in order to present their excellent works and share their great views.

本次国际会议主题为“区域共生 文明互鉴:外国电影的历史新探与理论前沿”,具体议题包括但不限于:

The theme of this international conference is "Regional Symbiosis and Mutual Learning of Civilizations: New Explorations in the History and Theoretical Frontiers of Foreign Cinema". The specific topics include but are not limited to:


   New Explorations in the History of Nordic Cinema


   New Explorations in the History of Asian Cinema


   Research on the History of Sino-French Cinema and Cultural Exchange


   Research Paradigms and Theoretical Frontiers of World Cinema


   Exploration of Methodologies in Film History


   National Cinema and Social Trends




Guidelines for Submission and Participation


Domestic and foreign scholars invited to participate in this international conference need to submit formal academic papers, and the papers should be published for the first time at this forum, with a word count of 10,000-15,000 words (including annotations). The conference organizing committee will invite experienced domestic and international senior scholars to review the papers. Papers that meet the specifications and pass the review will receive a formal notification of participation.



1、  时间安排





Before October 1st, 2024, please send the Submission receipt (download at the end of this article) and the full text of the paper (10,000-15,000 words in Chinese, more than 8,000 words in English, including annotations) to the forum-dedicated emai ilmconference2024@163.com

Around October 20th, 2024, after the paper has been reviewed and approved by the expert group, a formal invitation letter will be sent.

On November 24th- 26th ,2024, the conference will be held at Hebei Institute of Communications, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. The organizer will provide the selected scholars with board and lodging reception in Shijiazhuang, and participants will be responsible for their own round-trip transportation .The host organization will cover the round-trip transportation for some specially invited experts.


2、  论文提交要求

Requirements for submission:

  1)中文论文标题黑体三号,正文宋体小四,1.5倍行距。正文需包含题目、摘要(200字以内)、关键词(35个)、正文主体和参考文献几个部分。英文论文请选用正文14号,注释10.5Times New Roman字体。

  2)论文请用Microsoft office-Word2003以下版本,A4纸幅面。中文论文,请采用正文小4号宋体字,注释小5号宋体字。论文注释符号应在句号后,采用页脚标注。英文论文请选用正文14号,注释10.5Times New Roman字体。


(1) The title of the thesis in Chinese should be SimHei, font size 16 and the main text should be in SimSun, font size 12, with 1.5 times line spacing. The main text should include title, abstract (within 200 words), 3-5 keywords, body of the text and references. For English papers, please use Times New Roman font size 14 for the text and 10.5 for annotations.

(2) Please use Microsoft office-Word2003 or below version for papers, A4 paper format. For Chinese papers, please use SimSun, font size 12for the main text and SimSun, font size 9 for annotations. Footnote numbers in the text should be placed at the end of a sentence after full stop.For English papers, please use Times New Roman font size 14 for the text and 10.5 for annotations.

(3) Authors are requested to abide by academic norms, scientific research ethics and relevant copyright laws, and shall not plagiarize or plagiarize other people's research results.


Contact information of conference group


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/157OAt5zBiQZs3gBrmCAwCA




联系人:林疆豫  手机:17812399337

       杨雪团  手机:15277106369

        王昱茗  手机:19993181286

        王小尚  手机:15601581213

Download link for Participation Receipt:

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/157OAt5zBiQZs3gBrmCAwCA

Extraction code: film

Submission E-mail: filmconference2024@163.com

Contact person:

Jiangyu Lin      (+86)17812399337

Xuetuan Yang    (+86)15277106369

Yuming Wang    (+86)19993181286

Xiaoshang Wang  (+86)15601581213












Hebei Institute of communications

BNU Asia & Chinese-Language Cinema Research Center

School of Arts Peking University

Film Art Journal

August, 2024


供稿: 作者:党委宣传部 日期:

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